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March 4 2013 1 04 /03 /March /2013 17:35

I think I have blogged about fracturing my knee previously in October. Apart from having to get used to having support with transferring using hoists and 'banana' /transfer boards, I had to experiment and learn to use urinals and bedpanss when I am on my own. I am still squeamish about mentioning them but when you need to go, you have to go..and there wasn't always someone to hand to help me transfer.


However, it meant I had a chance to try out the products that I was selling. I love the design of the Uriwell, it looks cool. Here is a video showing you how it works




well, its great for the whole family. You can even get one for kids - however, its not so good if you're not a very mobile female. And certainly not if you need to sit at the edge of a wheelchair trying not to spill any. I am sure it would be fine for the male anatomy. It might even be okay for a female who can stand.




For women, there is also the slipper urinal. A white plastic urinal with rubber end cap for emptying, it is useful for bed or wheelchair use and is autoclavable to 135 degrees. It only holds up to 1 litre and you need a certain dexterity to be able to extricate it without spillage. From personal experience, you have to be extra careful when on a lurching train journey. But it does have the advantage for wheelchair users that if you are out and about and not sure how accessible toilet facilities are going to be, that it is portable and reasonably discreet.





  If you are laid up in bed a bed pan might be a better solution - to avold the likely possibility of spillage. I find that with some care, it can be used independently. You have to be quite adept in getting it under you but there is enough depth so that you can get it off from beneath you without getting your bed wet.



Would love to hear other people's views:-)

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Have you tried a shewee? They are on the market for emergency wee's anywhere! I have one... Means you can pee like a man without pulling down your trousers completely, or into a bottle if stuck on<br /> he m25 in snow or an accident. Very small, discreet and quite clever!
<br /> <br /> yes but not easy if you re a wheelchair user!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


  • : Eleanor's independent living aids
  • : Eleanor on being a disabled woman, starting a market stall selling independent living aids in Coventry market. Website coming soon. twitter: eleanor_ila
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  • eleanor_ila
  • eleanor.ila@gmail.com
Independent living campaigner, blogger, tweeter.
  • eleanor.ila@gmail.com Independent living campaigner, blogger, tweeter.

